Hello friends, I'm going to get a little heart-shaped here. For those that know me, I am not a heart-shaped, sappy, pink stuff kinda gal. But, I love my girlfriends and I dedicate this post to all of them!
There are some friends that I've known all of my life, some for several years, and some just recently...but no matter the length of time, their friendship is so important to me. So to ALL of my gals out there I HEART YOU!
To all of my "Wine-y Friends"...Cheers! Can you imagine us here on a Friday night, just talking and sharing wonderful stories?

To my coffee buds, who can so understand and appreciate a good cup of coffee. This takes me back when all of the kids were little and we would share afternoons outdoors while they played and we shared a french vanilla, or peppermint mocha...

How can you forget this beautiful sunset? It's very special when you share fond memories from a vacation with your family and friends. To my beach buddy who always appreciates a good day in the sun with our toes in the water while the husbands are under the tent and the kids are catching hermit crabs.

To my friend who calls me on a Friday night and invites me over to have hot chocolate around the fire pit. And who also loves to share funny bumper sticker quotes and church sign quotes that make us laugh like little teeny boppers.

To my friend who loves everything just like me. From a silly magazine or catalog (Ballard Designs) that just came in the mail to just a wild hair idea about decorating. Our love for magazines has led us to create a scrapbook for each other full of stuff that reminds us of the other. We always look forward to the mail because we know that one of us has sent each other something...oh, how fun!

To all my friends that I share so much time with at the baseball fields or football fields...Here's to you! I dedicate this picture to you...

Beautiful post! ;)
Lovely photos as well.
I heart you Yasna Grainger!! You had me at Winey-Friend. You had at me at Winey-Friend!!
I heart you too! :) See you at the ball field. xoxo
Hey, I didn't get that Ballard Catalog! I will be emailing them pronto! See why you haven't gotten anything cool in the mail lately? I heart this post! Very good one, oh, and you had me at "when are YOU due?". : )
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