My love for coffee goes beyond just a cup of coffee. Sometimes I purchase a certain brand of coffee simply because of its tin. Yes, if I see a purpose for it, then it comes home with me. In this case, the Beaumont Coffee tin from Aldis became my kitchen utensil holder. I change it out often...
...And then for Christmas, I have another tin that is used for the Christmas tree in the kitchen. Very simple little tree, but my all time favorite. If you see closely, it has cookie cutters, clothespins, and my boys' first spoon and fork...AND, their first jar of baby food when they graduated to solids. I kept both of their first jar of baby food, cleaned them out and placed a note inside with the date. Sounds very silly, but OH what a memory for me.

Wish I could come have coffee with you and your unique little square mug. The OCD in me would have a very hard time with it! Hope you have a great weekend Yasnita.
Found you from Misti's blog. Your story interesting and that your father was from Taiwan. We adopted a baby from Taiwan in 2005 she is now almost 5. Love Misti she has done wonders in my house.
Cute, cute, cute! I use chocolate for decor ;-)
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