Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome to Coffee With Yasna...

Welcome! To me there is nothing better than a good cup of coffee amongst good friends and good conversation. Sometimes French Vanilla, sometimes a White Chocolate Mocha. Whatever the flavor, it's just that comforting.

Now that we have set the ambience...Let's be friends. Let me tell you a little bit about me. It's funny because I don't think my life is that interesting until people ask me questions about me. I guess it hit me one day at the grocery store. The cashier was very curious about me. Asked me where I was from, what language I spoke, etc. As I began to tell her a little about me, her questions became more exciting to her and she wanted more. At the end of the conversation, she ended it with, "wow, what an interesting life". I guess indeed she was right. I left the grocery store with a new perspective in the life that belonged to me. The life that never sounded interesting or exciting to me. But, you know what? Everybody has a story, everybody has an intersting's what you make of it once you have embraced it.

I won't bore you with all of the details, but here it is...

My parents gave me the name of Yasna Edith Jao. Yasna is pronounced like a "J" since it is a latin name. The letter "Y" in spanish sounds like a "J", where the letter "J" in spanish sounds like a "H". The last name is chinese and it's pronounced like a "J" imagine the confusion. I was born in Valparaiso, Chile, South America in December of 1969. My mother is Chilean and my father was from Taiwan. He travelled a lot and ended up in Chile in 1967. They met, dated and were married within 6 months (1968). They were married until the day he passed away in January 2005. That was Thirty-Seven years of marriage!

I favor my father's asian features, but do not speak chinese. Never learned and perhaps never will. I grew up speaking spanish, which confused people even more. My parents made the move to the US when I was five. Grew up, went to college, met my husband, have 2 beautiful boys. Like I said, I didn't want to bore you.

As I mentioned earlier, everybody has a story....Journalize it. I'm not a writer, so I don't keep a journal, but I take pictures of everything. That is how I journalize. Sometimes we don't want to bore people with our life's details, but sometimes when you feel somewhat disconnected about your life, family and origin, sometimes it's good to have back up. I want my boys to have that back up because right now they don't want me to bore them with my details, but they will one day.

Always stop and smell the never know what you might miss...


Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Oh, I love you Jazzy (that my nickname for my BFF people)! Thank you for finally starting your own blog so that all the other people of the world can love you as much as I do. This is a fabulous first post! Looks great...I want more, too.
I will be your very first follower... : )

Marcia said...

Look how stinkin' cute you are!

Stacey said...

Very neat story. Thanks for sharing!